My last blog post title partially inspired by walking by this sign today.

My last blog post title partially inspired by walking by this sign today.
Missed a chance there to reference the book by Raymond Chandler, and the movie based on it, which would have been quite appropriate to your argument.
@manton that’s a fantastic sign! (Was also a good post, thank you.)
@hbowie I haven't read the book or seen the movie! I should queue those up for later.
Both are good, and worth your time. I would read the book first, because the movie is sort of a '70's take-off on the '50's book. Chandler, the books's author, famously said "Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. If there were enough like him, I think the world would be a very safe place to live in, and yet not too dull to be worth living in." At this point, Apple fans are beginning to suspect that Tim Cook is both tarnished and afraid, and if the world he is helping to create is both unsafe and somewhat dull. (But the film is a good reminder that the world changes, and that our heroes of yesterday don't always hold up so well in the world we are faced with today.)