Good discussion this week on the blogs — Daring Fireball, Six Colors — about the icon used in Apple Intelligence. We’ve been using a robot icon (or emoji) for anything AI-generated in When Apple revealed their icon, I thought it was great, but the robot is more obvious and fun.

I think they should sign their work with their precious Apple logo. Put it inside the Apple Intelligence atomic symbol thing, and place the brand next to the product — good and bad.

@jarrod I like this too! @Gte had a similar idea. It would be nice if there was a convention across AI models that users could get familiar with, but I expect every platform is going to do their own thing.

I don’t think the problem is with an icon, it goes much deeper than that. So much is disturbing about Apple Intelligence, from the piecemeal rollout, abhorrent marketing, it’s lacklustre capabilities… it’s a mess, and all very un-Apple like.

@paulrobertlloyd Yeah, it’s a weird rollout. I was just thinking about the icon but the icon is a symptom of a larger set of problems.