I added audio narration to my latest blog post. You’ll see a little “listen” play button near the top. This is a Micro.blog feature that I forget exists sometimes! There’s a help page about it.

Jess Nickelsen

@manton That’s so cool! I never knew that feature existed!

Manton Reece

@jessnickelsen Thanks! It is very hidden. I forget about it for months at a time.

Jess Nickelsen

@manton Hehe! Ok, I feel less bad now for not noticing it. 🙃

Leon Mika

Ooh nice. I didn't know you could add narration to already published blog posts. But I just tried it myself and it worked.

Manton Reece

@lmika Cool! 🎉

Chris Enns

An interesting thought would be to optionally include these in the podcast feed (if one is set up for the blog) automatically or with a checkbox?

Manton Reece

@iChris That already works! It creates a podcast feed for your blog and adds these posts as episodes.

Chris Enns

Oh cool!

Manton Reece @manton
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