Trying to pay some old fee from a car lease that I returned 7 years ago, stuck on the phone, dropped calls, terrible finance websites, and generally just a complete waste of time… But this typo on their website maybe hurts me the most:

Please note that it may take upto 15 minutes to receive.

Seth is a Perpetual Startup ⁂

@manton Ugh that sucks so bad bud!

Scott Hill

It may not be the case here, but if this fee is that old and has already gone to collections (and affected your credit), you may actually do more damage to your credit by paying it now. It's unintuitive (and feels wrong), but can certainly be a problem. In fact, if it's been 7 years and was reported to a credit bureau then, it might now have fallen off your report, and paying it now can put it back on.

Manton Reece @manton
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