Thanks David Pierce for including my home screen in the latest Installer at The Verge! I mention some of the apps on my home screen and why they’re there. Lots of great CES coverage at The Verge this last week too.

I've been thinking about trying your "mini iPad" experiment for a couple of years myself. Does the big phone work well for lounge reading and the like?

@SimonWoods I think it does. It's not as good as an iPad, but it's more convenient and always with me.

I was psyched when I saw you in the newsletter this week. Hopefully it helps spread the word about!

@SimonWoods I find the mini iPad to be far superior to a full size version. But I have some suspicion that a big phone might be even better.

I'm hoping the new Reeder catches on...the new paradigm of no unread counts, just sync'd timeline has definitely changed the way I go through my feeds.

@kwlblt I’m using it to keep up with my timeline and it’s fantastic!

@JimRain I’m thinking about ditching my iPad Pro and going all-in on the mini once I get a laptop.