Do I brag too much or not enough? It occurred to me that might be on the only platform of its kind that has built-in support for exporting content in several different file formats. And multiple APIs to get your data out? JSON, XML-RPC, Micropub. Our commitment to portability is absolute.

just enough in my opinion. But I’m a curmudgeon.
One thing I’d like to see is the ability to subscribe RSS feeds. Get title, link, (maybe ai summery) in the timeline. Basically like how external link bookmarks work.

@cooperbike Thanks. We have limited support for that by searching in Discover for a blog's domain name, if it has a feed we can discover. It only works if there's one feed per domain name, though, so doesn't work well for big sites with lots of feeds.

oh nice! I had searched the help docs and only saw results for my own blog’s rss feeds and tried searching via the full rss feed url. I’ll try with just the dns name!

I look at the promo spam from asking for $9.99 for 3 social cross-posts... and think of mb 👍

Not enough! Plus your Mastodon/Bluesky integrations are, I think, unique and no one knows about them.

if I want to try, but not sure of a domain name yet… is that possible?

@FossilizedCarlos Yes, you can add a custom domain name later, after you have everything set up like you want it.

is there a way to sign up with this account? Or do I need to make a new one?

@FossilizedCarlos You should be able to use by visiting the domain and signing in with your account, then choosing Plans. If anything looks wrong, send an email to and I'll fix it. I think in some cases older accounts get a little confused.

my apologies, scrolled down, and saw it 😅 appreciate the replies 🙌🏽