Micro.blog’s tweets import sometimes struggles, and it needed a few kicks before we finally got Romit Mehta’s tweet archive of over 140k tweets imported. But it works! The cool thing about the architecture is that after import it makes everything available on a separate blog and via an API.

Dr. Adam Procter

reminded me any thoughts on my tweeterImport? Everything is imported as I can find it on backend but the front end doesn’t show it all help.micro.blog/t/twitter...

Dr. Adam Procter

when imported i put it into new blog (not the plug in which I had used before I could make more blogs 🤣) - tweets.adamprocter.co.uk

Adam Tinworth

I imported all my tweets a couple of years ago. If I reimported them (as I occasionally still use X), would I end up with doubles, or does the importer de-dupe?

Manton Reece

@adders It essentially clears all the old tweets before importing them again, so there won't be duplicates.

Filipe Saraiva

Wow, nice! Now I can try to import my 135k tweets :D

Manton Reece

@filipesaraiva 135k! Be prepared to wait a few hours for it to complete. 🙂

Adam Tinworth

That's good to know. My X use has dropped to next to nothing, so it might be time to close that off for good.

Filipe Saraiva

, hehehe, I can imagine, but for now I intend to keep that archive private. Maybe I will change my mind in the future. :D

Manton Reece @manton
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