In all the elections I could vote in where my candidate lost, I certainly felt frustrated and disappointed. My blog captures it going back to 2004. But I never felt like giving up on America because you get another shot in the midterms. Now, I don’t know. It will take decades to fix this. 🇺🇸
Don’t give up. That’s what the adversaries want. Keep being a decent human committed in positive work and community. I was thinking, your platform is part of the infrastructure to engage with this moment outside the big tech oligarchy. Thank you. That is what I'm focusing on. We need a major rethink of our web platforms and media.

Keep on keeping on. We should normalize talking about politics and making our political idealogies clear. You already do a great job compared to other techies.

The Republicans won a majority of the vote for just the second time in 32 years. They are going to do some awful, underhanded and damaging shit but the odds are that America will reject them again. At least I hope so.

@manton I’m so sorry 😰 I agree with you, it will take decades to undo this damage. Especially considering the sorry state of literacy and critical thinking…

I don't think so. Whoever is elected next can very much undo stuff, just as much as the new guy is doing now. It's been the cycle forever, that is why things happen pretty slowly here because very few things are not undone when a new guy comes in. There is hope every four years no matter the side you're on.

@timapple Thanks, I hope that's true. I'm actually less worried about the specific laws that will be passed, or executive orders that can be undone, and more about what got us to this point. Misinformation, journalism... There's a lot that feels broken.

the misinformation/journalism thing is a tough nut to crack these days. I have to read about a story from multiple sources just to get a clear picture and try to separate truth from propaganda, or what may be pushing advertisers agendas. A way to fund journalism needs to be found that removes both the government and corporations from holding a stake in the game. Then maybe all sides could report with a little less bias and stick to facts.

It is nothing new. Read this PBS article to get some historical perspective. To combat authoritarianism, those who suffer from it should call upon the Declaration of Independence instead of the Constitution. The Constitution is for those in power, the other for whose without.