I’ve been personally attacked a bunch today over a thread and private email that went off the rails, more personal criticism than I’ve received in the entire 8 years of running Micro.blog. A little stunned. But there have also been some amazing, thoughtful posts about what we’re doing. Thank you.

Manton Reece

@dnisbetjones People are absolutely on edge and scared. We should all give people some space, and I failed at that today too.

Adam Chandler

Where there are people, there will be passions but in life I've vowed to never make opinions personal and not lose my temper and attack someone over differences.

I'm really sorry. Tomorrow is a new day.

Miraz Jordan

Sorry to hear you've been personally attacked. I know world events and US events are really scary now; it's easy for people to get carried away on hot-button topics. I hope you can find what you need to brush off the attacks. As a 7-year subscriber to Micro.Blog I'd like to thank you for providing this excellent place / service.

Manton Reece

@Miraz Thank you for the long support. Always great to have you here.

Manton Reece

@AdamChandler So true.

Jim Mitchell

Sad to hear it all took a turn into the personal attack territory. 😞

Miraz Jordan


Patrick Rhone

Should we ever meet IRL, I have a hug I need to give you.

Manton Reece

@patrickrhone Thank you. I hope we do meet someday!


you've got a good heart man

Patrick Rhone

Since I will never convince my wife to go to Austin, perhaps you and I should meet up in New Orleans sometime.

Leon Mika

Yeah, what's happen today is regrettable and I'm sorry that it got to the point where you were targeted personally. Hope it's not too long before feelings cool a little.

Manton Reece

@patrickrhone That sounds like a great idea. Love New Orleans.


Very thankful for all that you and your team have accomplished. Keep up the great work. Feel free to shoot an email if you need someone to chat with!

Thanks for being you, Manton. I’m sorry to hear about the digital violence 💔

Thanks for being you, Manton. I’m sorry to hear about the digital violence 💔

Rene van Belzen

People are perfectly capable of destroying good in the world, believing in zero-sum game strategies without considering those don't apply in the creative field, where stuff is made where nothing existed before. Common sense doesn't apply here. You've gotta think it through first.


I stumbled across that thread today and it was truly shocking to read. As someone (like you) who would actually agree with many of the political positions of the people involved, the ferocity and pointedness of the attacks were unhinged. I don’t know anything about that guy but he’s clearly acting out of a great deal of pain and anger. I hope he can find peace. The next four years will be tough enough without all of us lashing out in rage at anyone within typing distance. I hope you also can let those attacks go and return to the good work that is to come through you. It’s the only thing any of us can do.

Manton Reece

@jabel Thank you.

Greg Moore

I stumbled on some of that and, like others have said, it really seems like a case of hurt people hurting people. Your power is very limited but it’s accessible enough for people to attack it. I’m sorry that happened but I also hope you feel the support from the people who are here.

Michael Wayne Arnold

We disagree politically, but what you're doing with Micro.blog is good. I appreciate the care you put into this. Keep up the good work!

Manton Reece

@marmanold Thank you!


Seen from France, the USA has been in a very bad way since Monday...I don't know if this violence is spreading around the world, but even here at home, people are now shouting at each other rather than speaking to each other with respect. Sad moment.


@marmanold hear hear


I'm very grateful for MB as a platform, as well the attitude of the small team working on it.

Manton Reece @manton
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