Strata 1.2 for iOS is now available. This release adds a new tab bar with bookmarks and highlights. Going forward we can do more with bookmarks in Strata without complicating and

Dr. Adam Procter

nice I should use highlights more. I wouldn’t mine a “you didn’t save are you sure” when I hit the back arrow after editing I forget to hit the save sometimes when editing a quick note … hang on did you just add that!

Tim Apple

this is really nice, i've been waiting for an easy way to access bookmarks on my phone.

Manton Reece

@timapple Thanks! We are going to add a share extension in the next version, for easier bookmarking from other apps.

David Johnson

Will the bookmark tab remain in the iOS app or phased out in time?

Manton Reece

@crossingthethreshold It will always be in the but it will be simplified. For example, maybe removing the tags and highlights.

David Johnson

Thank you.

Manton Reece @manton
Lightbox Image