Taking a short break from support email and questions to edit the latest Core Intuition. If you have ever listened to our podcast before and liked it, you will probably want to hear this one. (How’s that for hyping it up?)

Andrew Wickliffe

Given I was a paid subscriber since 2020 (I remember getting it to support y'all through Covid) until your embrace of the alt-right (sorry, just being okay with bigots and racists) the other day, if this really is the only platform you said you renounce transphobia, homophobia, racism, and misogyny, those who practice them and all their empty promises, and that you believe in wokeness and the rights of all people to exist without fear of YOUR FRIENDS KILLING THEM... well, you should post that and not just put it on a podcast. Bye garbage man

Foster Bass

Wow. Just listened. Really sorry to see it go. I missed the drama over the past week (and I’m not going to go looking for it) but whatever happened, I hope you’re okay. Wishing you all the best.

💬 John Philpin

Manton Reece @manton
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