Still digging through support email. Happy to announce that starting next week, @sod will also be joining on a very part-time basis to help answer email questions. We worked with him a year ago on templates too. I’m inspired and thankful for the help!

Ben Southwood.

Great news!

Jonathan Hays

great move!

Miraz Jordan

@sod Great news!

Greg Morris

I’ll hold off on my response from my api questions for a bit then 😂. It was super helpful though, got them all working now!

Manton Reece

@gregmorris Excellent!

Jim Mitchell

Awesome news. If there’s a SME, it has to be @sod.

Lee Perry

@manton @sven Great choice. Sven’s plugins are excellent, he definitely knows Hugo and well.

Sven Dahlstrand

Thanks, ! I'm excited to jump in and help out. Folks, save all your trickiest questions for next week. 😅

Sven Dahlstrand

@jimmitchell I have to admit, I had to look up SME because, to me, it stands for small and medium-sized enterprises. And while I do run and invest in a few, that didn't quite make sense here. 😊 Did you mean subject-matter expert? If so, I'm blushing—thank you!

Jim Mitchell

@sod I did indeed. I’ve learned much from what you’ve shared with others.

Sven Dahlstrand

@lee Thanks, Lee, I'm glad you like my plug-ins.

Jarrod Blundy

That’s so great to hear. Congrats, welcome, and thank you, @sod!

Todd Grotenhuis

woohoo! @sod has been instrumental in making the m.b user experience better


Cool and grattis till alla!

Manton Reece @manton
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