Tapestry from the Iconfactory is out! Of course I love that it supports Micro.blog. And it makes me happy just seeing developers experiment with new ways to mix open social platforms together.

I’m having issues getting it to add my Micro.Blog account. I can sign in and approve but then it seems to lose the account when I move to another screen.

@philbowell I ended up re-authorizing about 5 times and it has stuck, but yes, I experienced the similar.

@jagibson feels like there’s a save button missing. When I move from this screen it goes.

@philbowell probably something in the Tapestry end, same for me. @chockenberry fyi and congrats!

@philbowell trying again but to his actual mastodon account @chockenberry

oh gosh. Not a good experience. Signing in was really painful. Replying too. Reeder is much better for Mb. Gonna give it a go tho.

Wow. Not very impressed with Tapestry particularly given all the song and dance there’s been about it. Meanwhile the new Reeder app quietly came out a while ago and is streets ahead in every way. Design, UI and ease of use.

@chockenberry ah, I didn’t realise that was the final step. It looked like that meant add another feed.

@chockenberry @philbowell yeah, I could authorize via the micro.blog web flow. The feed would give me an error and I would have to go through authorization again. It’s working still right now after about 5 re-auth but will let you know if I have to do it again. Appreciate the work y’all did with the app!

Logging in from an iPad is a nonstarter. One never gets past a tiny browser window, logged in there but not in the app. Flakey start. Also no mention in their copy of replying to things. Is this just a fancy feed reader?

@markstoneman As far as feed readers go, NetNewsWire does everything I need. One can even follow Bluesky and Mastodon feeds there, if that's what you prefer. Just MacOS, iPad/iPhone iOS though.

@markstoneman Can you follow custom Bluesky feeds? Have not figured that one out yet.

@rom Good question. If it has a viable feed, NetNewsWire will find it.

@marksblog I gave it a try. It looks really nice but if I'm browsing Mastodon I want to be able to interact and Tapestry doesn't support it. Bummer. I'll stick to my RSS app and a separate Mastodon client!