Simple goals for today:

  • Meet with the gutter guy about installing gutters for the roof.
  • Answer emails. Support email feels manageable for the first time in a year.
  • Find some small thing I can deploy to, a fix or feature, to make life a tiny bit better.
Pedro Corá

this should fit the criteria: pages screenshot

Literally spotted it a few hours ago.. 😁

clicked the New and the menu opens offscreen.

Manton Reece

@pcora Oops, thanks! Will fix that today.

Tom Loughlin

Batch upload of photos? Is that a thing?

Manton Reece

@apoorplayer Best way on iOS is with the app Mimi Uploader. No good solution on the web yet unfortunately. Would be nice to be able to drag multiple photos in to upload.

Manton Reece

@pcora I rolled out the fix for this popup menu problem, by the way.

Pedro Corá

thanks! I end up doing a lot of messing around directly on the web on iOS these days!

Tom Loughlin

Yes it would be. I'm an Android person.

Manton Reece @manton
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