5 years or 20 years?

Federico Viticci on the products after the Vision Pro:

I may be stating the obvious here, but I fundamentally believe that headsets are a dead end and glasses are the ultimate form factor we should be striving for. […] There’s a real possibility we may have Apple glasses (and an Apple foldable?) by 2030, and I wish I could just skip ahead five years now.

After reading this, I went through some of my Vision Pro blog posts to see how they match what we now know about the headset. Me from September 2023:

Apple’s sending emails about getting apps ready for the Vision Pro App Store. Folks in the Apple dev community won’t like this, but I think Vision Pro will be a bust in the short term. Only develop for it for fun, not for a market. I’ll revisit it in 10 years when the tech catches up to the dream.

There are a bunch of posts like that. On Core Intuition I did make the wild prediction that we were 20 years away from glasses, which was too pessimistic now that we’ve seen Meta’s Orion glasses. But most everything else with the Vision Pro has played out about how I expected.

Manton Reece @manton
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