The new 5G router — which we knew would be a temporary solution until Google Fiber is sorted out — has a habit of going out every afternoon around 2-3pm. Just poof, no wi-fi for a little while, time to take a walk or read a book. Maybe random but it’s feeling like a pattern.

@manton if it’s T-Mobile I feel the same. I even invested in PingPlotter to keep track for me. It’s not consistent in time, but it does happen more during the day and hardly ever at night

@pberry Verizon here. So strange. We have a poor cell signal here but when this happens, my iPhone still has a connection, and I figured this 5G box would have better antennas.

@pberry Verizon here. So strange. We have a poor cell signal here but when this happens, my iPhone still has a connection, and I figured this 5G box would have better antennas.

I have noticed I feel much better when I am disconnected for a bit. It also gives me some time to center and do some internal planning!

@manton Back in the days of IPv4, many German ISPs would force a disconnect every 24 hours, to disconnect people who weren’t paying for a static IP (i.e. running servers from home), and hopefully free up some IPs of connections that had just been "left open" but weren't actually being used.
I wonder if it could be similarly intentional, and if you can maybe shift it by e.g. restarting the router right before you go to bed?

@uliwitness I'll try that, it can't hurt. The weird thing is when it's offline, it's much longer than a simple restart. Might be out for half an hour. Unless the router is reinstalling its software every day. 🤪