Finished reading: Locke Lamora and the Bottled Serpent by Scott Lynch. Great to have another Gentleman Bastard story. Split into two parts in Grimdark Magazine. 📚

Curious Kyle

reading these has me so ready for more new Locke adventures.

Started reading The Fragile Threads of Power on a friend’s recommendation and it feels similar, in some ways, to the Gentleman Bastards world.

Manton Reece

@curiouskyle Cool, I'll check it out. Did you read her Darker Shade of Magic series first, or is it not required? Sounds like it's the same world at least.

Eddy Story

Is this a new book? I can’t seem to find it on and the good reads link doesn’t work for me either? (Can’t try Amazon as it just keeps wanting to change my locale in the iOS app 🤦🏻‍♂️)

Manton Reece It's not a full book, it was only published (so far) as a 2-part story in Grimdark Magazine issues #40 and #41, which is available as ePub or Kindle. I was so ready for a new story that I bought both magazines just to read it!

Eddy Story

Ahh I see. I’ve also been waiting for quite some time for a new Locke Lamora story! Might just have to purchase those magazine issues myself too 😁Thanks for the heads up!

Curious Kyle

I didn't read that series first, though I'll be diving in soon. I didn't feel like I missed anything by making this my entrance t the world.

Eddy Story just reading it now and loved the “I am discreet. I am a shadow hiding in another shadow on a very dark day.” 😂

Manton Reece That is a great line.

Manton Reece @manton
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