Love an old train station getting a new life. Bloomberg article from a couple months ago, about the station in Detroit with new office space and green space:

But the main attraction is still the 18-story tower, designed by the same architects who worked on Manhattan’s Grand Central Terminal, Reed and Stem with Warren and Wetmore. Just like its New York sibling, Michigan Central features terrazzo and marble flooring, Doric columns and Guastavino tiles — all restored to their original glory.

Adding to my list to visit one day. 🚂

Paul Jorgensen

My dad grew up there in the 40s+50s. He hated going downtown since the 90s because it was so derelict. It made him sad&mad. Glad they were able to wrest it away from the troll who also owned the Ambassador Bridge. There are lots of urban spelunking vids of the station pre-rescue

Manton Reece

@somanyhills Thanks for sharing the links. Those kind of urban exploring videos are great.

Bryan Robb

I toured this last summer. It’s spectacular and a dream come true that it was renovated in my lifetime and miraculous it was never torn down. My last hope is that it’s someday served by HSR from Toronto to Chicago.

Bryan I toured this last summer. It’s spectacular and a dream come true that it was renovated in my lifetime and miraculous it was never torn down. My last hope is that it’s someday served by HSR from Toronto to Chicago.

Manton Reece It really looks amazing. I guess Amtrak isn’t using it yet either? Hopefully one day.

Manton Reece It really looks amazing. I guess Amtrak isn’t using it yet either? Hopefully one day.

Manton Reece @manton
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