Many news sites and social networks have a headlines section for trending news. Maybe we need to take a hint from traditional newspapers and replace that with a high-profile “corrections” section that is just all the news that’s factually wrong with a summary of the truth.

interesting idea that encourages transparency, but it would need the right publisher to value that.

@tylerknowsnothing I read it as you intended. But I think "whileheartedly" could be an interesting real word!

Indeed! Would you define it as "being earnestly invested in the moment" or something else? Though I find the idea of the British version "Whilstheartedly" being even more appealing :) I'm all American through and through, but I still use whilst when writing LOLZ.

@tylerknowsnothing I'm not sure! I was first thinking wholeheartedly invested into something while (or despite) some other conflicting aspect, but I like your definition better.

Oooh! I like the subtle texture of your characterization! I hadn't thought of that :) Maybe a combination of the two, like "Significant investment in a matter whilst considering an additional factor or factors with positive or negative moderating aspects." Language is so fascinating :D