Interesting segment on The Late Show last night with guest Reid Hoffman about AI. I’ve listened to his Masters of Scale podcast from time to time. On AI, I’ve realized recently that we are not all ever going to agree about the benefits and dangers. It’s a big shift and there will be a big schism.

Thanks for pointing me to this interview. I agree the schism will be large, but I firmly believe that big money will force the issue in its favor, just as it did with industrialization, the automobile, and all the things Mr. Hoffman mentioned as "good." Funny how these people never mention the negative consequences suffered by ordinary people, like child labor, pollution, climate change, and the like.

@apoorplayer We do need regulation of AI fairly soon. It took decades for the laws to catch up after industrialization, way too long.

With the barriers to entry getting ever lower, I seriously wonder what AI laws can protect us against? (Poor) analogy: methamphetamine is illegal to manufacture, but it's so cheap and easy to make that laws are essentially no barrier to its production.