Now that bookmark tags are available to all plans on, it’s more consistent to manage bookmarks. I’ve moved my read-later type activities to Just nice to have it all in one place to bookmark posts and blog about them. Screenshot example of a bookmark with summary and tags:

Screenshot of one of my bookmarks of a MacStories blog post.
💬 John Philpin

is there a short demo .. video .. like you do … that takes something you find on a website or in RSS that you bookmark into Micro blog … and then later come back to write a post and call it up?

Numeric Citizen

@JohnPhilpin If I knew in advance about these improvements, I would be more than happy to create those videos! cc

💬 John Philpin

@numericcitizen I THINK this improvement is not so much new as now being more widely available .. I ask because I have always struggled with how micro blog book marks can really replace something like Raindrop .. but sounds like Manton has a process.

I think it would be awesome to have a single place for sub 1 minute videos of all these little tricks across the platform that once you know .. is great .. but until you know remains hidden.

Tom Loughlin

Am I correct in assuming that this does not solve my "More" tag/Summary issue? So far that issue remains AFAICT.

Tyler K. Nothing

So, for that you just use the bookmarklet to save to Mb bookmarks? I've been trying to find a Read Later workflow that works for me, so I've got a rats nest of services with all kinds of stuff everywhere, but it would be really nice to have it in Mb :)

Manton Reece

@tylerknowsnothing Yep, you can use the bookmarklet or the browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. Or on mobile, when sharing a web page from a browser to there's a "Save Bookmark" option instead of creating a blog post.

Manton Reece

@apoorplayer Correct, no changes to that yet. Right now "more" and summary just don't play nicely together. Still not totally sure how to solve that.

Tyler K. Nothing

Excellent :) I'm a Safari peep, so no extensions for me LOLZ, but I find the bookmarklet works peachy. I'm not much of a mobile browser guy, either, but it's good to know. Thanks!

Tom Loughlin

No worries. Take your time. It's not a pressing matter for me, something I can work around for now.

Manton Reece @manton
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