Bluesky has a proposal to declare user intention for things like archiving and AI training. Looks pretty good. Maybe we should mirror this in robots.txt? It stretches the original purpose of the file but it should be somewhere outside of a specific protocol. There was also CC-NT for one narrow use.


looks good. As an optional config for robots.txt here? That'd be awesome. TIA.

Alex Rosenberg

@manton They should attend the IETF meetings for AIPREFS and such instead of inventing new proposals and chucking them up on GitHub, potentially splintering common practice.

Oliver Andrich

@manton this Sound like the do not track feature in browsers. People that care will do it anyway. Companies like $$$-techbros won’t care at all and consider intents like that to be line noise. This failed the last time, why should it work this time?

Manton Reece

@alexr Thanks for the pointer, I wasn't aware of the AI pref working group either.

Manton Reece @manton
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