Hmm, my last post is poorly truncated on Bluesky because I hadn’t considered the title, link, and new summary taking up more than 300 characters. Going to keep my extra summary text shorter in the future.

Tyler K. Nothing

Yeah, I had that as well on a post yesterday. Maybe add a character counter to the summary field?

Rene van Belzen

Bluesky has so many restrictions, that I often need to post manually to see if what I want to post is even allowed. I'm tempted to just link to my blog post.

Mark Stoneman

I'm still crossposting manually so that I can see what's happening. So many cross-platform differences…

Manton Reece

@tylerknowsnothing That was my first thought as well, but there are so many different limits with the various services, I think adding a character counter might just add more clutter and not be that helpful.

Tyler K. Nothing

That's a good point. Here's a thought. What about little service icons that are green within limits, but turn red when each limit is reached? At least for Mastodon and Bluesky? Then again, that's likely a lot of extra work. My brain loves to throw out ideas :D

Manton Reece

@renevanbelzen Yeah, I like automatic cross-posting to Bluesky but if there is any question on the formatting, easy enough to disable and manually post it for the most control.

Cam Hunt

@manton Does the Bluesky API automatically truncate longer text, or is that your own logic?

Manton Reece

@camhunt My own logic. Longer text will just return an error from Bluesky usually.

Manton Reece @manton
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