Good update from Ben Thompson today linking the lack of Vision Pro content to the miss on AI:

…Apple is finding itself paralyzed by its need for control. The company can’t just stick a camera at a game and stream the video without any production or play-by-play commentary: what if people are bored? The company can’t just film a concert: what if people are underwhelmed?

Thomas Brand

@manton I still believe the miss is with Developer Good Will. Apple has bled its developer community dry. Without apps no cares how many angles you can watch Alicia Keys sing from. The content no matter how plentiful is not worth the investment without the experiences third-party apps bring.

Manton Reece

@Eggfreckles I agree with that too. And developers are not going to feel better if Apple reserves all the best features for themselves. New Apple tries to do everything — produce all the content, build all the apps.

Chris Enns

I’m curious to see what the production value is like on the upcoming Bono Vision Pro release. U2 is famously also very controlling about what gets released and how.

Manton Reece

@iChris I expect it to be really good. I wish I could experience it, but for the price of a Vision Pro, maybe I'll just save that money for travel to any city that U2 is performing in if they tour again. 🙂

Numeric Citizen

even in hardware design, they probably feel the pressure like the rumour of a port-less iPhone 17 Air they decided against doing because of fears of EU regulators not liking at all…


@manton @Eggfreckles there is so much interconnectedness. to keep a platform healthy it needs users and developers and hardware and tools. starve one and the rest wither.

i don’t know that this was any one thing, but when you combine a lack of first party example apps, not much content, a miss in the gaming market, radically overpriced hardware, and developer disenchantment— well, i’m afraid they’ll reap what they’ve sown.

Chris Enns

Exactly! I keep hoping I'll find someone I know locally who has bought a Vision Pro but so far, no luck. 😆

Manton Reece @manton
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