Politics is bleeding into everything. Tech headlines, podcasts that aren’t usually political. For 2025, I like to box my politics into narrow parts of the day, not everywhere all the time. Soon we’ll need mute filters in all apps, from RSS readers to Overcast.

@manton Or, not mute it and be aware of it and how it affects all of us?

Exactly. At all times, through all channels. Particularly while sleeping.

@manton i’m utterly failing to keep it contained. total isolation seems like the only way. but that’s hard when you’re mostly solo and there aren’t even kids around the house to keep me company anymore.
if you fingure it out let me know.

podcasts are like weird time capsules at the moment. Possibly because the news has been pretty inescapable. If you go back to Covid, you hear the fallout from that, first trump round, the various wars, second trump ect ect.
Not fun in the slightest no but interesting at least 😆

@rasterweb I’m aware. I do read and watch the news. But being reminded every five minutes that everything is a disaster does not work for me.

@manton.org The @iconfactory.bsky.social app Tapestry has a great mute feature. Supports hiding behind a warning or muting, and regex as well. It’s kind of a lifesaver in These Uncertain Times
The @iconfactory.bsky.social app Tapestry has a great mute feature. Supports hiding behind a warning or muting, and regex as well. It’s kind of a lifesaver in These Uncertain Times

@PeacheyMcKeitch Definitely interesting as a snapshot in time. I’m sure half the podcasts right now have a pre-show discussion about how much to cover whatever crazy thing happened this week.

@manton Ah, totally... sometimes you've gotta take a break for your own well being. I was just dealing with someone who doesn't seem to know what is going on at all so I think I was in a "do not ignore" mode.

@manton When your house is on fire it’s hard not to smell smoke in every room.

I don't mind people muting or ignoring me, as long as they don't try to stop me from posting. Freedom of speech doesn't mean forcing other people to listen.
@richbruchal.com I should use Tapestry more. I like how they handle muting too. Surprised more developers haven't copied it.

@richbruchal.com I should use Tapestry more. I like how they handle muting too. Surprised more developers haven't copied it.

@ffmike Exactly. I don't usually mute people, and for me muting tends to work best as a temporary toggle… Like I just don't want to see this stuff today but next week is fine.

I've been applying the training system of NewsBlur on the RSS feeds of various news sites (Guardian, Techdirt, Wired, El Pais (english version), NPR, CBC and Christian Science Monitor at the moment, but looking to add more sources from Europe and elsewhere) to cut the running commentaries as much as possible.

@mantonI I mute a few people mostly because they post a lot, but I don't want to unfollow them. I'm already frazzled from pain and brain fog and mild memory issues and the state of reality. That said, I find it very difficult to keep up with the news I intentionally follow in NNW and conversations in M.b and Matrix, but I also deeply appreciate all whom I follow. I doubt anyone would be upset with that and I also check the blogs of those I do mute so I can catch up. I have to engage on the level that makes the most sense for my mental and physical health.
Thanks for saying so, Rich. We didn’t fully appreciate how important the feature would become when we first started working on Tapestry, but we sure do now.

yea it's getting worse than even 2015-2017 ish in my view. The Verge oddly enough has been terrible in this regard, at least in the feeds I'm using.
Hey there, Rich just wanted to say thanks for saying this about Tapestry. Also, if you are inclined and have the time to leave the app rating or review in the App Store, please consider it. It’s tough to get the word out and every little bit helps. Thanks. 🖖

@scattershot Yes, it is really noticeable on The Verge. That is one of the sites that I was thinking about.

me either. The effect is to create numbness and eventually cynicism. Get back to me when someone has a plan that goes beyond simply magnifying anxiety.

@manton @rasterweb I tend to agree with Manton staying aware doesn't mean constant.