My workflow:

  • Program a new feature.
  • Draft a blog post announcing the feature.
  • Realize while writing the post that it would sound better if it also did this other cool thing, add that to the announcement post.
  • Go back and add that thing in code.
  • Ship it!
Sven Dahlstrand

Pretty similar to Readme Driven Development. 😊

Manton Reece

@sod Yes! I think that is really effective.

Jason Becker

there’s a process, I think made famous by Amazon, where you write the press release before you write any code as part of the pitch process.

Mike Shields

@manton bdd - blog driven development

David O’Hara

Sounds very much like my writing workflow!

Chris Handy

try writing the blog post before building the feature, was a great takeaway from “Working Backwards” book.

Manton Reece @manton
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