New posts from Manton Reece

We've updated Epilogue for Android to version 1.1 with the new React Native-based code to match iOS. Thanks to @benjohnson for helping with the Android support! Epilogue is open source and can post the books you're reading to

Walking through the capitol grounds after an appointment downtown this morning.


Added a new pin for the bookshelves feature! When you add a book to a bookshelf, you'll unlock the pin. You can find your pins linked under the Account screen on the web.

Spurs didn’t quite have enough to recover after early foul trouble and missed shots. Great run in the 4th quarter, though. Next year. 🏀

"There will be distractions ahead" — Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal, last week

My initial take on the Elon Musk buyout offer: the web is better when it is more distributed, with more platforms. Reject his offer and let Elon build a new social network if he's so passionate about it. Too risky to put such a large platform in the hands of someone so divisive.

I've been making small edits to over the last couple of weeks. Not as much progress as I'd like, but progress. If you want an e-book or print edition, orders will be open for the rest of the month only. Not going to keep selling it after we go to print.

Book pre-orders email

I sent the following email to anyone who was early to pre-order the book Indie Microblogging. My main goal was to inform people who might have pre-ordered a year ago that we lowered the price, and that they can update or cancel their order if they need to.

Sidenote: We use SendGrid to send email and despite disabling all the tracking in the settings, SendGrid still appears to put tracking info in the email. I hate email tracking and have reached out to SendGrid about how to really disable this in the future.

Thanks for pre-ordering the book Indie Microblogging! You are receiving this email because you were one of the very early pre-orders, from last year or earlier. If you haven't heard the latest news about the book, the complete draft of the book is now available here on the web:

Because you were an early pre-order, a couple of things have changed. I lowered the price of the e-book from $20 to $15. I also added a print edition as an option.

What's next? We saved your payment information securely with our payment processor Stripe, but we have not charged any orders yet while I wait to finish completing the book this month. You have a few options from here:

  • If you still want the e-book, no need to do anything! You will be charged the new lower price of $15 and will receive an email with the e-book in ePub and PDF formats when it is ready.
  • If you no longer want the book, email and I can cancel your order.
  • If you want to upgrade your pre-order to also include the print edition ($30 total for both e-book and paperback), also email and let me know.

For more details about the book and current status, watch this video I recorded for Kickstarter backers.

Can’t believe we’re already getting peaches on the new tree. Only planted it a few weeks ago and thought it might be years until it was big enough.


Finished reading: Castle of Wizardry by David Eddings. When I started this series, I thought it was a little obvious. But I’m enjoying it more and more with each book. 📚

All caught up on support email this morning, mostly updating orders for the book. Also, there should be an Easter egg emoji. Seems like something that color emoji variations would be good for.

Now that I'm tracking all of my book reading in, I cleared out my "currently reading" and "want to read" lists in Goodreads. But when I finish a book, after blogging it I do add it to Goodreads just to let Goodreads keep track of my 2022 reading goals. 📚

Core Int 509: we talk about Setapp's reaction to the war in Ukraine, how Setapp is going in general, React Native, SwiftUI, and whether web frameworks are leapfrogging native ones.

Lots of work to do this morning. Trying to start the week right with coffee and breakfast tacos. ☕️

Manton Reece @manton